#WellnessWednesday - Resilience, Part 2

Tanager Place is implementing the RISE: Wellness & Resiliency Framework™, developed by Vice President of Clinical Services Tonya Hotchkin. The framework includes four indicators of well-being and we’ll be discussing each in detail and connecting them to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic during this four-part series.

In this episode, School Based Clinician Supervisor Abby Seyfer and Outpatient Clinical Manager Jennie Null discuss the meaning and purpose indicators and offer ways we can encourage them in ourselves and our families. In short, having a sense of meaning and purpose connects us to our environment and others. How does that happen in an age of social distancing?

These are turbulent times, but we can emerge from this strong, resilient and healthy. Special thanks to our podcast sponsor, Bank of America.

We’re here to help.

If you (or someone with you) are experiencing a medical emergency, or are in danger, call 911 immediately.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or feeling suicidal, call or text 988 immediately.

Your Life Iowa:                      (Facilitated by Foundation 2)

Suicide and Crisis Lifeline:

General Information:

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