About Us
A storied history centered on care and compassion.
Our Mission is Clear:
To provide services to children and families that inspire, empower, and heal.
What We Do

Early intervention can help children and teens stay in school, stay out of trouble and lead healthier, happier lives.

Through a comprehensive approach to treatment, our team offers an array of services to children and their families.

We believe education and experiential learning is key in empowering children, families, communities, and systems.
RISE Through Adversity
Recent Reports
Tanager has a long history of support from some of the most prominent community leaders in our area. The following members of the Operating, Foundation, and Associates Boards provide invaluable support and guidance to the organization. If you are interested in serving or would like to nominate another, please contact Jenni Archibald.
FY25 Operating Board
Todd Kerska, President
Brandi Mueller, Vice President
Stefanie Rupert, Treasurer
Thom Pritz, Secretary
Molly Altorfer
Robert Becker
Laurie Dawley
Julie Estenson
Jane Glantz
Nikki Kettelkamp
Molly LaKose
Ali Limbert
Amber Mason Lusson
Lisa McGrath
Stacie Osako
Ben Rogers
Ryan Shenefelt
Ryan Shultz
Matthew Skogman
Susan Streit
Lisa Thirnbeck
FY25 Foundation Board
Dick Meisterling, President
Barrie Ernst, Vice President
Duane Jasper, Treasurer
Jane Glantz, Secretary
Kyle Boardman
Pat Deignan
Chad Fesler
Diana Ledford
Nancy Lynk
Lisa McGrath
Jim Novak
Jim Schmitt
Ryan Shenefelt
Duane Smith
Gary Streit
Lisa Thirnbeck
Fred Timko
Chris Wheeler
Associates Board
Justin Allendorf
Brandon Besong
Anthony Betters
Logan Dempsey
Chandler DeWees
JD Klopfenstein
Molly LaKose
Jaymie McGrath-Hobson
Jaime Mead
Emily Phelan
Blair Sadler
Ryan Shenefelt
Sarah Van Deest
Kyle Zimmerman
Stories of Care. Of Inspiration.
I’ve always been impressed with the help Will is getting at Tanager, and I’m so grateful that you go out of your way to include the rest of our family, as well. There are so few people we can talk to about what’s going on in our family, and the work you do is really valuable in helping families like ours know that we’re not alone, and there’s a semblance of “normal” in what we’re going through, and that there is hope for the future.
Tanager Place helped me to deal not only with day-to-day events, but also taught me to improve my overall attitude, put my life into perspective and to increase my sense of self-worth.
Our grandson, Chase had spent about six months at Tanager. We were very happy with the treatment he had received. We can see a very positive difference in him. I have to admit, it was very hard for us to see him go there, but we knew he needed help. The staff at Sinclair Cottage was very good with Chase. We were impressed on how the staff interacted with the children. Thank you again for all of Tanager’s help in making our grandson a better person
Clinical and School Based Therapists
Our History




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