Our statement on racial injustice

Today, as always, Tanager Place believes in the greatness of every child. Our work centers on creating safe communities and resilient families because we understand strong roots are necessary for optimum growth.

Understandably, we are shaken by the horrific crime that resulted in George Floyd’s untimely death and pray those responsible face swift justice. We also understand that justice in one instance will not erase the generations of inequality that have contributed to the historical trauma experienced by members of our community.

As this battle for racial justice plays out in real time, such trauma is compounded. It is experienced by those who bear witness to inequality and brutality. It threatens our children’s perceived safety in our neighborhoods and weakens the social connections they need to flourish.

As mental health professionals and humans we believe in embracing and caring for members of our community impacted by this national crisis. Our commitment is to be a part of the solution and healing.

We believe in increasing awareness. We believe in advocacy. We believe in changing the systems negatively impacting children and families. We do so because we know our voice matters. Black lives matter. We see you, support you, and are here to help our community rise up because we have to do better, be better.

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