Tanager Place Accepting Bridge to the Future Scholarship Applications

Tanager Place is pleased to announce applications are now being accepted for the Bridge to the Future scholarship program for 2022.

Thanks to a generous $1M anonymous gift to Tanager Place in 2019, the organization is able to offer scholarships to assist those who have benefited from Tanager Place programs and services with meeting their secondary educational goals. The program is designed to meet students’ needs, with awards distributed for traditional college courses, attending trade school or furthering academic goals at a community college.

“It is an incredible privilege to be able to help kids who have benefited from Tanager Place services pursue their future education goals. To see a  young person excited for that next phase of education is a true joy.  Reviewing the applications and reading the optimism for the future is a truly a highlight of my year,” commented Okpara Rice, CEO.

This scholarship program is unique in the fact that previous scholarship recipients are eligible to re-apply for additional funding if they are continuing to pursue their educational goals.

Criteria and applications are available online at www.tanagerplace.org/outreach/scholarships.  The deadline to receive completed applications is April 11, 2022.  A selection committee will announce the award recipients in late April.  This year more than $60,000 will be awarded to children who have benefited from Tanager Place services (an increase of more than $4,000 over the amount distributed in 2021).

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