30 Days of Wellness

What would it feel like to focus on wellness of 30 days? There are a lot of demands in every day life. Between work, school, family, and community obligations, we can easily forget to take the time to focus on our personal wellness and mental wellbeing. The RISE: Wellness and Resilience Framework™ developed by Tanager Vice President of Clinical Programs, Tonya Hotchkin, LMFT, RPT, CTRP-C, is a systemic framework for supporting self and others in managing, restoring, and rising throughout life. RISE™ guides us to understanding the deep value that comes from personal reflection and self-nurturing especially when we are supporting others within our various roles.

RISE™ 30 Days of Wellness is a 30 day journal designed to engage you in brief daily reflections that support you in establishing daily practices that will build greater resilience. Sometimes it can sound a bit overwhelming at first to think about 30 days of self-reflection, we understand, but the RISE 30 Days of Wellness is great for beginners. The activities in the workbook below can be done in just a few minutes or you can spend longer amounts if you wish. Regardless of what your practice looks like when you start, it is the practice and dedication to spending time with yourself that is important to nourishing your mental wellbeing.

Get started today with the RISE™ 30 Days of Wellness Challenge! Learn more about the RISE: Wellness and Resilience Framework™ in the outreach section of our website.

RISE 30 days of Wellness

RISE 30 days of Wellness

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